
Can I Wear Makeup With Drunk Elephant

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Sixteen-year-old me, pimple-y with electric blue braces, thought my embarrassing acne would be nonexistent earlier I turned 20. Fast frontward six years and I'm still that same daughter popping abroad in the mirror…minus the braces. This and a harrowing journeying through acne medication and retinol lead to my current skincare obsession: all things Drunk Elephant.

Up until about iii months ago, dermatologists routinely prescribed drying face creams that failed to work. Eventually, anger along with agitated peel forced me to changed dermatologists, practice my own research, and exam dozens of products. Finally, after enlisting the help of spironolactone (a medication that helps block acne-causing hormones) and Differin, a articulate and healthy complexion emerged.

cierra drunk elephant I Used Nothing But Drunk Elephant for One Month—Heres My Unfiltered Review

Cierra Miller.

At this point, I made it my mission to lock downwards a skincare routine that wouldn't mess with my winning streak. There are few downsides to working just feet away from an editor'due south beauty closet, and I came face to face (literally) with one. Yes, having dozens upon dozens of products within arm'due south reach feels like Christmas morning every day, but my overzealous testing also introduced drying chemicals, dyes, and irritating fragrances to my already sensitive and acne-prone skin.

Then in the midst of my experimenting, Boozer Elephant was a beacon of lite. Not but does the vibrant packaging brand my dream #shelfie way cuter, just the make's clean skincare philosophy instantly won me over. With no "Suspicious 6" ingredients (essential oils, drying alcohols, silicones, chemic sunscreens, fragrance/dyes, SLS) in their unabridged range, I was set up to give my skin a "clean pause." After a month of letting zippo but Drunk Elephant touch my face, here are my honest thoughts on each product.

Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think you'll love every bit much as nosotros do. Delight note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, nosotros may receive a minor commission of the sale.


Drunk Elephant.

C-Firma Day Serum

The first production I tried became an instant top favorite. C-Firma is a super potent vitamin C serum I utilise in the morning after splashing my face with water. I cannot alive without a vitamin C serum as I'm attempting to brighten the advent of my acne scars. Even though this is packed with delish ingredients, the smell is non the yummiest but this just means it'south the real deal.


Drunkard Elephant.

B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Serum

Consider this a glass of h2o for your thirsty skin. I mix this in with my C-Firma in the morning, and all my serums at nighttime. I noticed this has helped so much with the health of my skin and pairs well with most whatsoever Drunk Elephant production. All of the products are made to piece of work together, then consider this the water you add to your morning time vitamin C smoothie.


Boozer Elephant.

C-Tango Multivitamin Eye Foam

I have SUPER sensitive peel nether my eyes. I tin can't permit annihilation strong like retinol touch them or I'll wait (and feel) like I baked in the dominicus for hours. This center cream is gentle, make clean, and constructive. It helped me non simply with the firmness of my undereye area, only created a perfect canvas for my concealer as well. I like to apply this morning and night.

protini cream I Used Nothing But Drunk Elephant for One Month—Heres My Unfiltered Review

Drunkard Elephant.

Protini Polypeptide Cream

The holy grail moisturizer! I slather this ane all over my face and neck, morn and dark. It'southward a gel-foam hybrid so it sits well underneath makeup without feeling likewise thick.


Drunk Elephant.

D-Bronzi Anti-Pollution Sunshine Serum

Since retinol makes the skin more sensitive to UV exposure, sun protection has been crucial. And since I still require that sun-kissed glow, especially in the winter, this production is absolutely necessary. I mix this with the Umbra Sheer Physical Daily Defense SPF 30 and layer it on top of my moisturizer. I love this because it makes me feel comfortable going makeup-gratis and defends confronting the pollution and environmental stressors in this NYC air.

makeup melting butter I Used Nothing But Drunk Elephant for One Month—Heres My Unfiltered Review

Drunkard Elephant.

Slaai Makeup-Melting Butter Cleanser & Bamboo Booster Exfoliant

Massaging oil over makeup on my acne-prone pare sounds similar a horror story, right? Wrong! I will never go dorsum to wipes that pull and tug at my skin. This is the first step in my extensive nighttime skincare ritual (aka favorite office of my day). The buttery cleanser is truly a game-changer and I also similar to requite myself a two-minute facial massage later activating information technology with water. Once a week, I add together the Bamboo Booster for some physical exfoliation, which has helped and then much in diminishing my acne scars.

best jelly cleanser I Used Nothing But Drunk Elephant for One Month—Heres My Unfiltered Review

Drunk Elephant.

Beste No. 9 Jelly Cleanser

This is a must-endeavour for anyone who needs a balmy cleanser that will remove makeup, oil, pollution, and other gunk without over-drying the skin. I squeeze a quarter size amount onto a Clarisonic Mia Prima after washing off the Slaai Makeup-Melting butter every single night.


Boozer Elephant.

A-Passioni Retinol Foam

I have seen it all when information technology comes to retinol, so I'm relieved to find this perfect fit. I brand a skincare smoothie with this, B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Serum, and T.L.C. Framboos Glycolic Night Serum every dark. Information technology's packed with passionfruit, apricot, kale, marula and jojoba oils (then basically a superfood smoothie in itself). Information technology's made the most pregnant difference in the texture and tone of my skin and I'll never get without it again.


Drunk Elephant.

T.50.C. Framboos Glycolic Night Serum

This serum is blended with all the goods; lactic, tartaric, citric, salicylic, and glycolic acids. If you lot take acne-decumbent skin, you lot need this. Framboos resurfaces dull pare while chemically exfoliating which has helped significantly with my cheek redness. It tin be sensitizing for people who are just starting out so employ sparingly. I love to mix this with A-Passioni Retinol Foam and B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Serum at night since it opens upward the pores and allows the retinol to go in there and exercise its thing while adding a shot of hydration.


Boozer Elephant.

Virgin Marula Luxury Facial Oil

I was a little skeptical almost using this since I was always taught to stay abroad from oils with oily, acne-prone skin. Virgin Marula Luxury Face Oil has been the cherry on elevation of my all-encompassing skincare routine. (Side note: I honey that brand founder Tiffany Masterson got the name Drunk Elephant from the myth about elephants getting drunkard off marula fruit.) I slather this on top of my nightly skincare regimen and downwards my neck as the terminal step and let it sink in. Tip: Add together a drop to your foundation for a dewy glow.


Drunk Elephant.

T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial

This stuff is no joke (and illegal in Canada due to its high AHA/BHA percentage). I personally love it and now, it's office of my get-your-life-together Sunday ritual. I exit this on for about 20 minutes and yeah, you volition feel stinging and burning, but it resurfaces your entire face, leaving it so polish and insanely brighter.


Drunk Elephant.

Umbra Sheer Physical Daily Defence force SPF xxx

Sunscreen is crucial and I wish I had listened to my mom when she would scream at me to terminate using tanning oil. Now that I'1000 22 with a few sunspots and fine lines, I don't leave the house without it. This one is packed with clean, hydrating ingredients so you don't have to worry nigh clogging your pores with a thick, cakey formula. I mix this with D-Bronzi for a protected bronzy glow.

lippe balm I Used Nothing But Drunk Elephant for One Month—Heres My Unfiltered Review

Drunk Elephant.

Lippe Balm

The cutest little Lippe lotion. It doesn't smell like anything but when yous lick your lips, it tastes subtly sweet. Earlier using this, I was hooked on random lip balms filled with fragrance and drying alcohols that made my lips dry out, and then I kept on applying them. With this, I don't feel the demand to utilise it all day since it leaves my lips super smooth and shiny in one unmarried swipe.

If you're a Drunk Elephant newbie and looking to showtime your clean suspension, I would recommend starting with the Beste No.9 Jelly Cleanser, C-Firma Day Serum, and Protini Polypeptide Cream. My pare couldn't be happier and I think you'll feel the same fashion one time you take the plunge.


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